Six speakers — five students and one staff member — shared their ideas through the popular community-focused platform on April 27.
该研究所是…的基石 Haverford 2030,学院的策略计划. Through it, students will discover new pathways to become the world’s ethical thinkers and leaders.
在一个充满冲突和分裂的时代, 学院正在努力吸引学生, 教师, and staff together to support one another and engage these important issues through peaceful and constructive dialogue.
At the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics in Potsdam, Muller will join an international team of scientists working to expand our knowledge of the universe. She is one of four Fords selected for a Fulbright this year.
改善景观, 无障碍通道, and dark-sky-friendly lighting have transformed the College’s border along Ardmore’s historically Black neighborhood.
The linguistics and education double major will spend the 2024-25 academic year working with young Taiwanese students. She is one of four Fords selected for a Fulbright this year.
为了纪念已故的贝斯手罗伯特·布莱克, musicians lined Haverford’s Nature Trail for a Network for New Music performance with deep connections to nature.
The physics and chemistry double major was simultaneously awarded a Fulbright Scholarship and an NSF Graduate ReSearch Fellowship, 促使一个艰难的选择. She is one of four Fords selected for a Fulbright this year.
Haverford and Swarthmore’s libraries contain tens of thousands of documents related to nine Quaker-run schools. The National Native American Boarding School Healing Coalition is now making them available to the public through a new digital archive.
三年的拨款将使威尔逊, 他的同事, and students to build new models to learn more about periods of intense warming and atmospheric carbon dioxide in Earth’s ancient history.
突出教师专业活动, 包括会议, 展览, 表演, 奖, 和出版物.
By teaming up with eight other colleges in Pennsylvania and North Carolina, Haverford will receive the benefits of renewable energy that are typically only feasible for large customers.
电子音乐是一种不断变化的音乐类型. This course covers its history and theory while offering students opportunities to use cutting-edge production tools and technologies.
The aspiring scientists will leverage their scholarships to advance their organic chemistry reSearch and uncover innovative ways to diagnose schizophrenia.
This course focuses on the role Philadelphia’s colleges and universities — and their affiliated healthcare entities — play in organizing the region’s economy.
At Commencement, the College will recognize mindfulness pioneer and alum Jon Kabat-Zinn ’64 and Dr. Ala Stanford, founder of the Black Doctors COVID-19 Consortium.
Colorful pinwheels spinning in the morning light April 9 marked the return of a beloved annual tradition.
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