Sometimes expenses occur in the regular flow of a student’s life that fall outside the regulated parameters of financial aid. Haverford’s LIFTFAR program aims to help fill these gaps for costs such as travel, 实习, emergency medical expenses, 和更多的. Funding is allocated on a case-by-case basis, and financial need is a consideration.
约翰P. Chesick学者 program is a four-year academic leadership and mentoring program for Haverford students from backgrounds that are under-represented in academia. 通常, Chesick学者 are either first-generation college students or students from low-income backgrounds.
Haverford has been a partner with QuestBridge since 2008, which helps match accomplished low-income students with the College. QuestBridge scholars develop a strong network and receive 支持 and mentorship throughout their four years at Haverford.
Students who are first generation to college and students from low income backgrounds (FLI students) are essential members of Haverford’s community. We created a website to help First-Generation students navigate the resources available to them. If you will be a FGLI applicant, we encourage you to explore this site.
视野 is a student-run networking and mentoring program that serves all students in all disciplines, with a particular focus on organizing students who may be underrepresented, 资源不足, or first in their families to attend college. 视野 provides peer networking and mentoring group, focusing on academic excellence through dinner workshops and panel discussions.
There are many affinity organizations and spaces on campus that build community and host discussions pertaining to social justice, 身份, 包容, 和多样性.
A residential space for students invested in the histories, 遗产, and traditions of the African diaspora as well as a cultural center for the campus community.
An intentional community house focusing on intersectionality and social justice. The aim of its inhabitants is to have a holistic approach to healing, 身份问题, 和行动.
Sustains and carries out 亚博体育’s commitment to diversity by 支持ing student programs, 教师活动, and curricular innovations that cultivate a vibrant and multifaceted intellectual community.
A space at 亚博体育 open to everyone who wishes to explore and expand the notion of diversity, 文化多元主义, 和多元文化.
A space where Pan-Asian students can discuss cultural, political aspects of identity and confront the divisions and differences among Asian communities on Haverford’s campus.
A safe, inclusive, intersectional space open to folks of all genders. They believe in cultivating trust, 问责制, 透明度, 支持, 赋权, and a commitment to growth.
Our admission counselors are available to answer any questions you may have or connect you with other spaces on campus.
*We have a very tiny magic 8 ball.